Star gazing with Charlotte
While spending time getting to know the young people at Framfield as a new member of the team I noticed that they had a curiosity in the night sky as they seemed to enjoy spending time laying on the grass looking up at the stars while trying to spot different shapes. This took me back to one of my favourite childhood memories, a time when my sister and I would enjoy looking at the night sky with our Dad while he pointed out stars and told us stories about them.

To encourage the young people’s enjoyment, curiosity, and learning I have made them their own personal ‘Star Gazing Activity Books’. This provides them with information about their Zodiac Sign and some of the Stars in the sky and challenges them to spot star formations, such as ‘The Big Dipper’, ‘The Seven Sisters’, and ‘Orion’s Belt’.

The Star Gazing Book also encourages the young people to spot different planets and shooting stars, and provides then with a space to record their findings and read fun facts and the stories which explain the meaning of the different star formations. This is something the young people can do in their own time and at their own pace and is something I, and other adults at Framfield love doing with them.
We love to wrap up warm, grab a hot chocolate, set up the telescope and lay back and watch the night sky open up before our eyes!