Our vision is to provide a family home filled with love, laughter and learning, for the young people in our care.
Recognising individual needs
We welcome young people with a range of needs and take care to place each young person in the home environment best suited to their abilities and personality.
Thanks to our holistic approach, we open up a world of new opportunities to help them achieve their dreams.
Our homes
Our six homes are at two separate, semi-rural locations.
Healthy …
The safety and health of the young people in our care is of paramount importance.
At our homes the young people receive a balanced diet, good sleep, exercise and support around topics such as sexual health.
We forge a close relationship with their doctors and ensure that all medication is handled appropriately, including immunisations.
… and happy
Every young person should make positive life memories through shared experiences, discoveries and fun.
When a young person moves into one of our homes, they receive a welcome guide explaining what it is like to live here and the activities we offer.
Day to day, we encourage the young people to be actively involved in running their home. This might include helping to plan the daily menu or choose that week’s activities. We even give them an opportunity to be involved in the recruitment of new team members.
We encourage all the young people to celebrate diversity and respect each other’s cultural and religious beliefs.
Each young person has a weekly opportunity to meet with their Support Worker, to discuss anything they are concerned about or would like to do. Once a month we hold house meetings so everyone can get together to have their say and come up with great ideas for the month ahead.
Family relationships
When a decision is made for a young person to live with us, we understand the difficulties and anxieties suffered by both them and their family.
Where possible and appropriate, we encourage contact with families to ensure that this important bond is maintained and strengthened. Where suitable, we seek input from the family when planning our care. Each young person’s Support Worker will be intimately involved in this.