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Mayfield & Framfield — East Sussex 01435 872 201

Whether they are learning to use cutlery or learning work skills – at PJL every little success is celebrated.

Olly, Manager of our Mayfield home.

Whether they are learning to use cutlery or learning work skills – at PJL every little success is celebrated.

Olly, Manager of our Mayfield home.

Skills to increase confidence and independence

Our objective is to help each young person achieve life skills which will give them confidence to live as independently as possible, now and in the future.

These are just some of the ways in which we do this …

Health and wellbeing

We encourage everyone who lives with us to take responsibility, as far as appropriate, for their own health and wellbeing.

Growing fruit and vegetables in our garden helps the young people understand food “from field to fork”.
Growing fruit and vegetables in our garden helps the young people understand food “from field to fork”.
Going to the local takeaway is a big step for many of our young people.
“Alex likes fish and chips … I got a fish and chip shop up the road.” — Alex, who lives at Bluebell House.

Day to day independence

We ensure that the young people we care for learn the skills they need for day to day living.

Going to the local takeaway is a big step for many of our young people.
“Alex likes fish and chips … I got a fish and chip shop up the road.” — Alex, who lives at Bluebell House.

Communication is key

Essential to our approach is tailoring personal development to each individual in our care. What may be easy for one person could be a significant challenge for another.

We make good use of pictorial systems to facilitate decision making.
We make good use of pictorial systems to facilitate decision making.

Regular reviews take place with Support Workers and every achievement, no matter how small, is cause for celebration.

The children’s complex and challenging needs are no barrier to success at this home.
Children are exceeding expectations in numerous aspects of their lives.

Ofsted 2019 inspection at Mayfield

Regardless of an individual’s circumstance or background, our ambition is to help them achieve their dreams in every aspect of their life.