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Mayfield & Framfield — East Sussex 01435 872 201

Summer Fun

  • News
Fun in the garden with a sack race!

To mark the end of the summer, we held our Summer Fun Day for the children and young people of both our homes.  It was lovely to see all the children and adults from Acre Farm and Mayfield having a great time together and getting stuck in!  

Like most of the long hot summer, we were blessed with a lovely sunny afternoon but not too hot …. just right for some water fights!

a soaking for some!!

As well as making the most of Acre Farm’s large garden with bouncing on the trampoline, playing football and relaxing with friends, we also organised some fun races with medals for everyone!

Some of the races we enjoyed were:

Egg and spoon race, 3-Legged race,

…. tug of war, sack race, and fill the bucket! (sponge race!) which of course ended with the obligatory water fight.

a show of strength!

We then enjoyed a delicious BBQ Dinner.

After drying off and maybe a change of clothes for some, we finished the day exhausted but with some great achievements and lovely memories.