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Mayfield & Framfield — East Sussex 01435 872 201

A little kindness…

  • News

Inspired by World Kindness Day in November, kind staff at Mayfield Children’s Home decided to help spread even more kindness amongst their colleagues. 

They created some kindness coupons offering random acts of kindness. Staff were then invited to fill in a kindness coupon leaving the name of recipient blank and describing the act of kindness they would like to offer and their name.

Some of the pledges of kindness included:

  • Buy you a cake/ packet of sweets/box of chocolates /mince pie/coffee/ something to the value of £5!
  • 1:1 Workout in location of your choice!
  • Jar of homemade jam or preserve
  • Fix a clock
  • Make you some chocolate chip cookies
  • Send you a Planday message with a positive quote every day for a month
  • A cookery lesson
  • Make a play list on Spotify
  • Help with training/ diploma
  • Be a good ear to listen too!

All the kindness coupons were put into a big envelope and staff got to pick one out. Staff then contacted each other to let each other know they had received their promise of a kind action and agree on how to collect it. 

It’s been so lovely to see how many staff got involved and the list of incredibly kind things that people will be doing for each other over the coming weeks – what a lovely bunch they are!